SAKOV Logo 2021



SAKOV undertakes a specific project for its members annually. This entails making books and CDs available.

  • link for available products. Shop-skakel vir beskikbare produkte.
  • Further resources available in the Memberzone.

Furthermore, the following books, sheet music and CDs made available by SAKOV members can be purchased.

Sheet music

Partitaboekie (Partita booklet) – Henk Temmingh This booklet contains 10 partita sets with variants on 16 songs from the hymn book (Liedboek), and are all easy to play. Most of these can also be played on the piano as well as by organists who are not adept at using the pedals when playing. Both groups of users will benefit greatly from these innovative partitas. The cost is R100 and can be ordered by calling 011 482 3181.

Orgelmusik – Orrelmusiek – Organ Music – Winfried Lüdemann This compilation consists of three organ partitas and a fugue on the melody of well-known church songs: So lief het God die wêreld (Wie soll ich dich empfangen), Die groot en blye dag breek aan (Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag), As ons in ons bekommernis (Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein) en U naam is wonderbaar op aarde, Here (Die Sonn hat sich mit ihrem Glanz gewendet). All these works are for use in the service or were written for a church service and must be seen as handy liturgical music, in the best sense. See the review in Vir die Musiekleier 35, p. 48-49. The compilation can be ordered for R60 at


The Pipe Organ Heritage of South Africa – Albert Troskie This is a beautiful full-colour publication, which documents no less than 135 historic organs built between 1814 and 1914 in South Africa. It presents the history and specifications as well as one or more colour photographs of each organ. The publication costs R255, which includes packaging and postage fees.


Universiteitsoord — Wim Viljoen Wim Viljoen plays the work of Walther, Bach, Festing, Balbastre, Mendelssohn, Lemmens, and Young on the organ of the Universiteitsoord Dutch Reformed Church, where he is the organist. The CD costs R115 (packaging and postage costs included) and can be ordered from: Prof. Wim Viljoen, 129 Marais street, Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181, tel. 012 460 4310.